API Documentation

We provide free access to our Chip's Challenge data for use in non-commercial applications

GET Levels

Fetches properties (title, password, designer, time limit, etc.) of official level packs, community level packs and all levels within these packs

Lookup URLs
/packs: summary for all packs tracked on the scores site [example lookup]
  • pack: unique alphanumeric identifier for the pack, one of cc1, cclp1, cclp2, cclp3, cclp4, cc2, cc2lp1, cclp5
  • long_desc: full name for the level pack
  • short_desc: shorter abbreviated name for the level pack
  • level_count: number of levels in the pack
  • valid_configs: array of valid rule type and metric configurations for the pack
    • rule_type: all tracked rule types for this pack, one of ms, lynx, steam
    • metric: all tracked metrics for this pack, one of time, score
/packs/<pack>: summary for one specific level pack, same output as full pack lookup above [example lookup]
/packs/<pack>/levels: listing of all levels within one specific pack [example lookup]
  • level: numeric level identifier, unique within the same pack
  • name: level title
  • game: game identifier (CC1/CC2)
  • pack: level pack identifier
  • designers: comma-separated list of level designer names
  • adapted: boolean, true if the level's design was adapted from another work otherwise false
  • password (optional): 4-letter password for CC1 levels
  • password_note (optional): special notes regarding the password, such as password differences between rule types
  • time_limit: the level's time limit, 0 if unlimited time
  • chips_required: the number of chips which must be collected to clear a socket in the level, if one is present
  • total_chips: the total number of chips available in the level
  • chips_note (optional): special notes regarding chips required or total chips, such as differences between rule types or whether the level can be solved without picking up all required chips
  • wiki_article: a link to the level's Bit Busters wiki article
  • ms_map (optional): a link to a map of the level using the Microsoft tileset, if applicable
  • tw_map (optional): a link to a map of the level using the Tile World tileset, if applicable
  • steam_map (optional): a link to a map of the level using the Steam tileset, if applicable
  • level_attribs: array of additional level attributes which may differ between rule type and metric
    • rule_type: rule type identifier for the attributes that follow, one of {ms, lynx, steam}
    • metric: metric identifier for the attributes that follow, one of {time, score}
    • attribs: array containing additional level attributes
      • melinda: the highest theoretically possible score
      • highest_reported: the highest reported score to date, also known as the bold score
      • casual_diff: difficulty for a casual player to solve this level for the first time, a rating between 1 and 5
      • exec_diff: difficulty to execute the bold route for this level, a rating between 1 and 5
      • luck_diff: additional difficulty for executing the bold route due to the presence of luck elements, a rating between 1 and 5 or 0 if the level contains no luck elements
      • routing_diff: difficulty to find the bold route for this level, a rating between 1 and 5
/packs/<pack>/levels/<level number>: summary for one specific level, same output as full level listing above [example lookup]

GET Players

Fetches information about players/level designers tracked on the Chip's Challenge high scores at

Lookup URLs
/players: summary of all players tracked on the scores site [example lookup]
/players/<id>: summary for one specific player [example lookup]
  • player_id: unique numeric identifier for player
  • player: preferred player name
  • designer (optional): preferred credited name for level design purposes, if different from player
  • other_names (optional): other aliases this player may go by
  • country (optional): player's country of residence
  • score_summary : summary of scores submitted by player, empty array if no scores submitted
    • pack: unique alphanumeric identifier for the pack, one of {cc1, cclp1, cclp2, cclp3, cclp4, cc2, cc2lp1, cclp5}
    • rule_type: all tracked rule types for this pack, one of {ms, lynx, steam}
    • metric: all tracked metrics for this pack, one of {time, score}
    • avg_ranking: average level ranking achieved within the pack
    • calc_score: sum of scores achieved on all levels for the full pack
    • bold_count: number of bolds achieved within the pack
  • designed_levels : summary of levels designed by player, empty array if no levels designed
    • pack: unique alphanumeric identifier for the pack, one of {cc1, cclp1, cclp2, cclp3, cclp4, cc2, cc2lp1, cclp5}
    • level_count: number of levels designed in this pack